2011 m. sausio 18 d., antradienis

Womwn ads

Almost all of them dreamed to meet a kind heart, sympathizing soul and often "perfect own morality” and “absolute attractiveness” were mentioned. (“I will light up the sky by my gentle soul!")
But at the same time more meaningful and specific parameters were not forgotten: "Miss blonde", "brunette from the south”, “aesthetic brown haired”. Subtle facial features and almost always beautiful eyes and overall elegance use to be mentioned (“I have mermaid’s eyes, I am created by nerves and originality ").
However the size of breast and weight in poods were unacceptable to be specified. Unless "good shaped" widow of prosecutor or “singer with spectacular figure” that is all that was allowed.
Occasionally nationality was indicated: "Georgian aristocrat living on Riga seaside", “Polish catholic lady living in Finland” and so on.

I need a "millionaire, beautiful and healthy, I will get married immediately", it was born not today. By the way this could sound in conjunction with "I am middle age, I live in the wilderness". However ladies tried to be moderate, they defined their tastes and preferences with dignity and reasonably.
Requirements include the simplest things. The main things are: he has to be kind and responsive, preferably of suitable age. "Lady is dreaming about the officer of hussar’s, guard’s or grenadier’s regiment" and this is entirely natural desire.
But there are some specifics. Let’s say, advertisements on the basis of nationality (“just Russian") or profession, for example such as doctor, were very popular.
Real pearls are found in these advertisements. After numerous sighs, soul gusts, exotic stories about own life, own ardent and passionate nature, the hope is expressed to meet husband "not neurasthenic, there are so many of them in our crazy age” but understanding connoisseur with serious intents. Or “the separating daughter of the priest is looking for searing, hot man for happiness”. Or "I am looking for an decent man, I am the same, very serious, but summer I love to spent near the sea". Another original wish: “I am seeking a husband definitely older to avoid infidelity". Ecstatic persons, which were ready to give everything away to his idol, also wrote announcements. That something called "everything" is not concretized.
But an allusion to finances was considered as quite natural and quite "well fed". Roughly, though I am a lady and sufficiently maintained, but I would like gentlemen was solid and very rich. Perhaps, veiled prostitution used to slip from time to time, but now days would be a sin to mortify with suspicion lovely ladies whom already long time ago lived their not easy lifes.

Probably, that was the most original and a funny advertisement that I met, “ I like opposites! I'm not very nice, but would like a handsome husband; I'm not very young, but I would prefer a husband not old; I have exactly nothing, but would look for a husband very and very rich, as I am noblewoman, I would prefer a husband from local merchants”. I liked it. While such humor hardly met understanding from those to whom the message was assigned.
The most important and exiting thing in ladies announcements is: I am looking for "husband and friend". You believe in this wholeheartedly. The hope of family happiness, finding of your another part timidly slips even through the "most bold" for these times texts.

Women's bride advertisements Ads. How they look 100 years ago? Find 10 differences

Find 10 differences
Common. It was mentioned often "from a good family", or "from estate", "educated" and for some reasons musically. Absolutely everyone – "musically", just an epidemic of musicality, that sounds like a condition, like a good style. Apparently, playing music at home was obligatory part of free time in these days.

Another common trait of men's and women's advertisements. They do not constrained to indicate the preference of hair color, rarely the type of body, anyway the wishes of “thin or thick" are found equally. Very rarely it was taken into account a nose, a mouth, it was flirting style, which hardly helped to believe in seriousness. But nevertheless the main parameters of chosen one (legs from ears, breasts at least third size, grenadier height and existence of luxurious mustache) are just behind the scene. Decency does not allow. And the mention of favorite sex positions are do not observed there, somehow more delicately and ashamed.
Another common trait: indifference to the place of living of possible spouse. Ready to go anywhere, but in words, of course. The only once I found “just from Moscow” and it sounded to me very familiar. Very often the phrase "nationality and religion convictions are irrelevant" is found. What is the reason of this, it is difficult to say. Maybe for those who ventured on writing such advertisement it was really not important.